#netnarr Digital Alchemy and Networked Narratives

Netnarr in 2023, The Network

“Should We Fight Artificial Intelligence or Embrace It? The Role of AI in Education – With Professor Mia Zamora, Ph.D.”

As a final parting, I want to share this recent interview I did with “Urban Impact” (Kean’s “Urban Impact” podcast explores the complex issues facing urban communities – examined through meaningful conversations with scholars, community leaders and others who are driving change). Much of my reflections shared here have been inspired by our co-learning journey together this semester. If you can find the right 23 minutes in your or night, take a moment listen to this as a summative lens […]


Netnarr in 2023, The Network

Considering our own humanness, through grief, love, and loss: the ineffable muse.

I think Brandon’s wrap-up of our pathfinding sessions was truly a “synthetic” moment, as we apprehended (in part) our experiences of grief and loss, as well as the source(s) of things that spark our creative impulse from within. The time spent in this final conversation became a re-visioning of “the old-world muse”, and it was an appropriate way to wrap up our semester-long contemplation of “the human nature of writing”. In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the […]


bald eagles, collared doves, Open Participants 2021, The Network

Eagles and Doves

Today’s Daily Create asks us to Look out of your actual window and then open a nature webcam from somewhere in the world. (here is the home of nature webcams via the US National Park Service) Write a poem that bridges these two views, exploring the connection between your local environment and a distant ecosystem. I chose the Bald Eagle cam at Sauces Canyon Nest. “Sauces Canyon Bald Eagle Nest” flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license […]


coincidence, Open Participants 2021, patterns, The Network

Ducks and Fuchsias

I don’t believe in God, the afterlife, or supernatural forces. I do believe in coincidence, in seeing patterns in nature and finding meaning when you look for it. Mum loved ducks – there are ducks throughout her house. Pictures of ducks, plastic ducks, wooden ducks. Every time I see a duck I think of mum. Mum died on Thursday morning. On Friday afternoon, on the way back from saying goodbye, we stopped as usual at Tebay Service Station, bought coffee […]


Father Time, Open Participants 2021, The Network

Ode to Father Time

Today’s Daily Create is to write an ode to Father Time O silent keeper of all things, You move unseen through shadows cast, With footsteps soft, yet never still. The stars align, the tides obey, All yield to you—relentless, vast. Your hands are weathered, old as stone, Yet you are ageless, ever new. You mend, you break, you heal, you mar, A sculptor’s chisel, carving through, Unveiling lives in cycles far. A child’s first cry, an elder’s sigh, The bloom […]


Open Participants 2021, The Network


“Take something to remind you of her”, they suggest. “I already have”, I say. In the cookbooks you gave me: the marks of my cooking throughout their pages, In the jugs and vases dotted around the house: the result of many years happy scavenging together, In the poetry books on my shelves: purloined from yours over the years, In the pictures on my walls: presents from you to remind me of home. I don’t need objects to remind me of you. […]


mother earth, ode, Open Participants 2021, The Network

Ode to Mother Earth

Oh gentle Earth, beneath our feet, Your patient pulse, your rhythmic beat, In verdant fields and oceans wide, You cradle all in arms so wide. From mountain peak to forest deep, Your mysteries you guard and keep. In every leaf, in every stone, Your quiet grace, your ancient throne. The rivers sing, the wind replies, A symphony beneath the skies. You gift us soil, the air, the seas, The fruits we pluck, the shade of trees. Yet how we bruise […]


mum, old age, Open Participants 2021, The Network

On death

She slips away gradually Retreating from the trivia of daily life The daily paper resting, unread, upon her lap – Sometimes she notices and is surprised to find it still unread – No more Suduko, no more politics (This latter is a relief to her left-wing children!) Her mind folds in: a moth without a flame As her body tells her it is time to leave.


N+ poem, National Poetry Day, Open Participants 2021, The Network

N+ Sonnet

Today’s Daily Create asks us to share a poem in celebration of National Poetry Day, with this year’s theme being counting. I chose a Shakespeare Sonnet: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date; Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometime […]


National Poetry Day, Open Participants 2021, The Network

N+ Sonnet

Today’s Daily Create asks us to share a poem in celebration of National Poetry Day, with this year’s theme being counting. I chose a Shakespeare Sonnet: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date; Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometime […]


brene brown, Open Participants 2021, The Network, Values

My Values

I’ve been asked to contribute to a collective statement about our teams values. Sigh. I know how these things go. First everybody takes time to come up with a set of values they believe in, then everybody talks as a group to come to a consensus. The result is a set of generic values that could have been found by quick internet search. Then the list is put to one side and never consulted again. So, as you can guess, I’m […]


boojum, Open Participants 2021, snark, The Network

Vanishing thoughts

Where do some ideas go to? Yesterday I walked up the road to Uni, my head filled with an idea for a blog post. I remember that it was something I’d been thinking about for a while without having a firm idea of how to approach it, and as I walked I found my angle. I crafted sentences as I walked in the sun, watching the world as I walked and enjoying the autumn day. No need to write this […]
